Difference Between Bespoke and Off-the-Shelf CRM Systems

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a tool used by businesses of all shapes and sizes to manage and analyse customer interactions, data, relationships and contracts throughout the end-to-end customer lifecycle. They can be used by multiple departments within a business including sales and marketing teams, customer support and reporting teams.


CRMs are becoming increasingly popular and more important to companies today because they help businesses effectively, attract prospects and manage and nurture customer relationships by centralising customer data, streamlining communication and providing a platform where analysis can be undertaken and acted upon. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction, retention and ultimately, increased sales and business growth.

The difference between a bespoke and an off-the-shelf CRM lies in customisation and flexibility; a bespoke CRM is custom-built to fit a specific business's unique workflows, processes and requirements whereas an off-the-shelf CRM is a pre-built solution designed for general use across various industries.

Understanding Bespoke CRM Systems

As with all bespoke software solutions, bespoke CRM systems are purpose built to produce specific outcomes and to specific requirements. They can be designed to replicate current business processes in a more streamlined fashion or they can be designed with completely new processes to fit with business needs. Bespoke CRM solutions are prevalent in companies of all sizes and disciplines but are particularly popular with organisations who have unique or highly technical processes and workflows due to the fact that off-the-shelf CRM systems are generally built to appeal to the masses rather than to individual companies.

Characteristics and features of bespoke CRM systems

Whilst all bespoke CRM software systems have their own unique features and functionality to their very nature, there are some characteristics that are common throughout - here we explore some of them.

Purpose Built

Bespoke CRM systems are built from scratch in line with the specific requirements of the organisation rather than using a one size fits all approach. They are designed to include unique features and functionalities that reflects the client's specific workflows and needs.


Integration with other software systems is a core consideration when developing a custom CRM. That means, they should be built to seamlessly integrate with the client's existing software and tools (unless it is replacing them).


Bespoke solutions can be designed to be as scalable as the client wishes. They can be built in way that allows them to change with the business, accommodating adjustment to size, processes and objectives over time.

Extended Development Time

Bespoke CRM solutions usually require significant time for design, development and implementation before the full benefits can be realised.

Enhanced Security

Security protocols and standards differ from business to business. For companies who are in regulated industries or for those who have certain security certifications they need to uphold, a bespoke CRM can be developed to encompass and comply with these requirements.

Custom Reporting and Analytics

With a bespoke CRM platform, the reporting & analytics on offer can be tailored to suit a companies specific requirements exactly. 

Advantages of bespoke CRM solutions

There are a plethora of benefits of Bespoke CRM systems for all types of organisations, for a detailed version you can go here. Below, we summarise the core benefits of using a bespoke CRM solution for your business.

Customised -  Custom CRM systems are designed to precisely meet the specific needs of the client which means you get all the features and functionality you do need, and none of those that you don't.

Integration - Custom CRMs can be integrated with existing software and systems within an organisation, enabling them to seamlessly communicate and function as a unified solution.

Cost Efficient Over Time - Although bespoke CRM development may involve higher upfront costs, it can be more cost-effective in the long run as businesses avoid paying for unnecessary features or licensing fees associated with off-the-shelf solutions.

Scalability - As a business expands (or contracts!), a bespoke CRM system can typically be scaled with ease to adjust to changes in data, users, features and functionalities.

Flexibility - Bespoke CRM systems are typically designed to be highly flexible, allowing them to adapt to changes in business processes, scaling needs and evolving customer requirements.

Better User Experience -  The ability to customise the CRM to meet the specific needs and requirements of users, whether internal or external, typically results in a more user-friendly interface and a better overall experience because it is designed with those specific needs in mind.

Market Positioning - A bespoke CRM can offer an organisation a competitive edge by incorporating unique features and functionalities not available in off-the-shelf solutions. This tailored approach can enhance customer service and boost satisfaction.

Improved Reporting and Analytics - Organisations can opt to develop customised reporting and analytics tools that deliver insights into metrics and key performance indicators tailored specifically to their needs.

Data Security and Compliance - A bespoke CRM system allows businesses to incorporate tailored security measures and compliance features to adhere to industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Disadvantages of bespoke CRM solutions

Let's now look at the disadvantages of choosing a bespoke CRM solution for your business.

Higher Initial Costs - Arguably the most common drawback - developing a custom CRM solution can be significantly more expensive than purchasing off-the-shelf software and if you don't intend to use it over a long period of time, you may not see a return on your investment.

Longer Development Time - Custom solutions require more time to develop and implement which can delay benefits relisation and disrupt business operations during the transition period.

Complexity - Bespoke CRM systems are usually more complex to develop and manage than off-the-shelf CRMs, requiring specialist knowledge which can in turn, lead to increased costs particularly if the organisation is solely reliant on outside support.

Access to Resources - Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, bespoke CRM systems do not usually have extensive support networks or user communities which essentially removes the option of self-service type help.

Dependencies - Organisations may become reliant on the original developers for updates, maintenance and bug fixes, which may lead to issues if the developers are not available.

Potential for Misalignment - There is a risk that the final product might not fully align with the initial requirements or business goals if the project is not closely managed and reviewed at regular intervals. This can lead to functionality gaps or a system that doesn’t adequately address the organisations requirements.

Understanding Off-the-Shelf CRM Solutions

Off-the-shelf CRM systems are widely available in todays digital world. They are ready built solutions designed to appeal to multiple organisations, often across many different industries. Because of this, the features are usually more generalised and suited to a wider audience. Off-the-shelf CRM software and indeed any pre packaged software, is generally much quicker to implement than a bespoke CRM system because it's ultimately an existing product, ready to be implemented. They're popular tools for managing customer relationships for companies who don't require extensive customisation.

Characteristics and features of off-the-shelf CRM systems

Off-the-shelf CRM solutions have generally been created to solve problems prevalent in multiple industries and company types and are used by companies large and small. This means, many of them share the same characteristics and features. Here, we look at some of the most common.

Ready Built Functionality

Off-the-shelf CRM solutions offer standard, pre built set of features that have been designed to meet common business needs across a variety of industries. These features could include tools for inventory management, digital marketing and data security for example.

Fixed Pricing Models

Pricing is usually set according to predefined features and functionality that are grouped into tiers although they may also be priced per user or per feature.

Vendor Managed Updates

Any and all updates and/or upgrades are managed by the vendor at their discretion meaning users have very little influence over the timing and context of the changes.

Integration Options

Integration capabilities are usually limited to widely used, popular software systems with the capabilities set up in advance. It is unusual to find off-the-shelf CRM tools that can integrate with other bespoke software solutions.

Generic Reporting

Reporting analytical tools are generally offered as part of the package, but again, have often been built to appeal to the masses meaning they can be limited and somewhat generic.


Compliance features are usually designed to meet broad industry standards as opposed to specific regulatory requirements unique to an organisation.

Advantages of off-the-shelf CRM solutions

Off-the-shelf CRM systems come with a distinct set of advantages for specific types of users. Here we look at some of the most common -

Quick Deployment - Off the shelf CRM systems are generally ready to use with minimal setup allowing for quick implementation and onboarding.

Costs - Off-the-shelf CRMs typically have lower upfront costs and are available to purchase through subscription or licensing models which can make them cost effective, particularly for small businesses or companies looking to use the software short term.

Scalable - They often offer tiered plans or add-ons, enabling businesses to scale their CRM capabilities as they grow.

Integration Capabilities - They are designed to integrate with other widely used software and tools, allowing for seamless data exchange and extended functionality.

User Friendly - Because they're typically made to appeal to a wide audience, they tend to feature intuitive interfaces that require little training, ensuring ease of use for a broad range of users.

Regular Updates and Maintenance - Off-the-shelf CRMs usually include regular vendor updates to the software, providing new features, security patches and enhancements without the need to pay for additional development costs.

Support - Off-the-shelf CRMs typically come with comprehensive support resources, including customer service, extensive documentation and user communities.

Disadvantages of off-the-shelf CRM solutions

Lack of Customisation - Off-the-shelf CRMs offer limited flexibility toward customisation and clients must make do with the features and functionalities within the software. They may not fully address specific and unique processes and requirements.

Irrelevant Features - Businesses may have to pay for features they do not need or use.

Integration Challenges - There is usually a lack of capability to integrate with bespoke software.

Dependence on Vendor - The vendor decides when they make changes and what the changes involve which was not adequately address an organisations needs or concerns.

Data Security and Compliance - Ensuring that the CRM meets specific security standards or regulatory compliance requirements can be challenging and particularly problematic for companies in regulated industries.

Higher Costs Long Term - On-going licensing fees and additional costs for additional features or users can accumulate over time, often surpassing the cost of a custom solution.

No Unique Competitive Advantage - Since off-the-shelf solutions are available to many organisations, they may not provide the same competitive edge that a custom built CRM could offer.

Final Note

Choosing the right CRM is crucial for a business, as it directly impacts efficiency, user adoption, long-term business growth and the wider success of the investment. Ultimately, whether opting for a bespoke or off-the-shelf CRM, the right choice can significantly influence a company's success by aligning the system with its specific goals and operational requirements.

A bespoke CRM is ideal for businesses with complex, unique processes that cannot be adequately supported by off-the-shelf solutions, such as those in specialised industries or enterprises with specific workflows and integration needs. Off-the-shelf systems are suited to businesses with generic processes and who need little customisation or bespoke integrations.

Further Reading

Bespoke CRM systems

A Beginners Guide to Bespoke CRM Systems

How Much Does a Bespoke CRM Cost?

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