Do I need an API?

APIs can be powerful tools for Business Intelligence, there are a number of reasons as to why you might benefit from an API

Why might I need an API?

In todays increasingly digital world, APIs are often a crucial requirement for businesses using multiple different systems and multiple different data sources whether this be application interfaces, software systems or websites. They allow businesses to access third party data and integrate it anytime and anywhere it's required, generally offering significant data processing efficiencies and cost savings.

Here are some common scenarios when an API may be a requirement for your business - 

  1. Access to data and Integration with external data sources - APIs enable applications to integrate with and ultimately access external data sources and/or services. For example, a traffic update  application might use a traffic API to retrieve real-time congestion data.

  2. Scalability - APIs promote modularity in software development which allows developers to build and update components independently of each other. This enhances scalability in that individual parts of an application can be worked on independently without affecting the entire system.
  3. Functionality Extension -  Because APIs cam integrate with third party services, developers are able to extend and enhance the functionality of their applications. An example of this is when you're able to log in to a site using an account you already have on a different platform such as Google or Facebook.

  4. Platform Independence - APIs provide a way for different software systems to correspond independently of the underlying platforms. This makes it easier to develop multi platform applications that can run on different devices or operating systems.

  5. Automation: APIs can enable the communication and data exchange between software systems to become automated. Batch processing is an example where this is particularly useful.
  6. Third-Party Integration: APIs are necessary to allow third party developers to develop applications and/or services that are able to interact with their own platform.
  7. Security and Controlled Access: APIs provide a controlled way to access data or services, allowing organisations to implement security such as like authentication. This ensures that only authorised users or applications can access certain functionalities or data.

To conclude, there are many different reasons why APIs are essential for developing interconnected and interoperable software solutions depending on what you are trying to achieve.

Further Reading

What is an API?

How does an API work?

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